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Monday, March 2, 2015

A simple way to get a step closer to success!

Good day, dear friends! Before you write today's blog post, I would like to thank all those who supported me in my endeavor!I am glad that there are people who, for the truth is interesting to read my article about success in life, and to read about the skills of people who have achieved what they wanted in life. I try to write my notes every day on various topics. Today I would like to continue the thought, which describes the last days in his blog and write about another problem that hinders success.One of the reasons for failure patients, lack of patience! Desire to get everything at once, and to fulfill all their desires are mainly failures and setbacks. Great success requires a lot of time, I can give you a bunch of examples, but you yourselves know that David Beckham did not become a super football player for a few workouts, and Richard Branson did not become a millionaire overnight....To achieve success is not so important amount of work as the regular exercise! It is better for an hour a day than once, until he lost consciousness;)
Take adopted a simple method that will certainly lead you to success. It is called "the theory of an hour."
Its advantage is that it is suitable for absolutely everyone and is easily integrated into any schedule. The general idea is that you make one small action every day for half an hour, and then, with the improvement, it is more complicated.
What devote half an hour a day? 
 This may be learning a foreign language or any other acquisition of useful skills! I assure you, you will be amazed at how much progress on its way to a desire for just half an hour a day! Remember, for all the time you need, and grander than your goal, the greater the need of time and effort.

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